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What does an independent Baptist church believe?An independent Baptist church adheres to the Holy Bible as the flawless treasure of divine instruction. They believe in the Triune God, Jesus's eternal existence, and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Independent Baptists practice full immersion water baptism after a person professes faith in Jesus Christ.
Can I know God personally?Yes, you can know God personally through faith in Jesus Christ. By accepting Jesus as your Savior, seeking Him in prayer, studying the Bible, and developing a relationship with Him, you can experience a personal connection with God.
Who was Cain’s wife?According to the Bible, Cain's wife is not specifically named. However, it is believed that Cain married one of his sisters or a close relative, considering the limited number of people on Earth at that time.
Is Jesus God?Yes, Christians believe that Jesus is God incarnate, the second person of the Holy Trinity. He is considered the Son of God and is worshipped as divine in Christian theology.
What is the importance of prayer in the Christian faith?Prayer is essential in the Christian faith as it fosters a personal relationship with God, provides guidance, strength, and comfort, and allows believers to express gratitude, seek forgiveness, and intercede for others.
What is the significance of baptism?Baptism symbolizes the believer's identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, signifying a public declaration of faith and commitment to following Christ.
What is salvation?Salvation refers to the deliverance from sin and its consequences, leading to eternal life with God. It is attained through faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and acceptance of Him as the Savior.
What happens after death?Christians believe that after death, individuals face judgment by God. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior will experience eternal life in heaven, while those who have rejected Him will face eternal separation from God in hell.
What does the Bible say about faith?The Bible teaches that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." It emphasizes that without faith, it is impossible to please God, and that through faith, believers can move mountains and receive God's blessings.
How do we know the Bible is true?The Bible is considered true by believers based on its divine inspiration, historical accuracy, fulfilled prophecies, and transformative power in people's lives.
What is the significance of communion in Christianity?Communion, also known as the Lord's Supper, symbolizes the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the unity of believers, and the remembrance of Christ's death and resurrection. It serves as a sacred act of worship and spiritual nourishment for Christians.

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